Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Were-rabbit...

Whilst watching Aardman's Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit, as well as many well thought out scenes and aspects of witty British humour, I think that the title sequence is genius. I just love the way that they have an invention which gets them up and out of bed in the event of a clients vegetable security device being set off. I admire this scene among many others in this film, as it must be so tricky to animate the invention as well as the puppets interacting with the invention and the mechanical arms. 
I also think its great how they have animated the tea splashing, learning stop-motion animation I can image how difficult it must be to animate liquid in this form.
The film in general is just pure genius with Wallace turning himself into a were-rabbit, the British humour and the love triangle between, Wallace, Lady Tottington and Victor. As well as both dogs in the film not being able to talk yet their expressions and body language speak for them. Gromit again saves Wallace from himself.  


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