Teddy Roosevelt Title Sequence, Rainforrest Scene...

For the title sequence project my group and I chose to produce a title sequence for the Teddy Roosevelt Bio Pic. Our idea was to have the style of the sequence as a newspaper with headlines from famous moments in Teddy's life, however Sophia found old cartoon strips of Teddy back in his day which we all really liked the style of and decied to incorporate this into the title sequence. It would start off as a newspaper and then go into a comic strip which would be animated. To narrow the themes down to fit with the idea of main events and so we chose six main roles that Teddy had thorughout his life. The section I was incharge of was his hunter/ explorer days after being president. I created the background for this as well as adding colour to this scene and the other backgrounds. The above video shows the section of the title sequence that I animated. I am fairly happy with how the animation turned out, however I think that it is slightly too fast and would work better if the motions were slowed down enough for the motion to be taken in. As well as this I think that the part where his clothes are flying out of the boat it would be more effective if the boat was rocking. Although I did try this previously and found it was too distracting. I like that he uses his gun as a paddle as it makes the scene more comical.


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