Kung Fu Panda, Backgrounds Analysis....

After watching Kung Fu Panda, I was drawn into the film by the beautiful backgrounds, especially the one of the peach blossom tree which is sacred and significant to the film. In the above images I have selected scenes in which different typed of trees are featured and how the backgrounds have been composed around them as well as the animation. The colours in the backgrounds are subtle although the trees themselves have a different colour to the moutnains and the grass which makes them stand out against the backdrop. Each of the backgrounds use repition mainly in the backdrop with the mountains and the foliage the colour is consistent, though they gradually fade out to create atmospheric perspective.  In the bottom two trees both backgrounds were used in the scene where Master Shi fu trains Po using dumplins, in the bottom background Po breaks parts of the tree trunk and in the background above it Po grasps the technique and beats his master to the last dumpling.


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