Final 2D Background Parallax...

The video above shows my final 2D animation background. I painted my background in the style of Marc Delassio, an Italian artist who paints in a naturalistic manner. I chose to use him as my artist as I love the range of colour he uses in his artwork. As well as this I liked the range of brush strokes that he uses in each of his paintings and I wanted to use this in my background shot. I used Photoshop to create this background and edited the layers and produced the camera move using after effects. In terms of the parallax and layers which have been used in this shot I am happy with how they all move and work together, although I think it would've been nice to have made the clouds more and if the sky was in shot for longer. In addition to this the zoom in on the bike could've been exaggerated further in order to draw more attention to the bike. However, I painted the bike red to make it stand out more against the trees, espesically the tree in the foreground. making sure to add spots of red on the ground as a relflection in the light as well as a lighter area where the bike is positioned to draw further attention. 
I am happy with the atmospheric perspective I have used in the hills and distant mountains as the colours fade and wash out as they get further in the background, it makes the background more life like and 3D. I think that there could be more detail in the close up trees or perhaps they could be made darker to make the rest of the colours in the mid ground stand out further.


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