The Emperor's New Groove Analysis...

The above images are screenshots from Disney's The Emperor's New Groove. They are from the waterfall scene where Emperor Kuzco and Pacha are wrapped around a log and end up going over a series of waterfalls. I love how this scene has been animated with humor and I the facial expressions of both characters just reflect how unimpressed each of the characters are to find themselves in this predicament. 
In terms of the animation in this scene I think that the water has been animated really well and the mist at the bottom of the large waterfall is really effective in emphasizing how big the waterfall is. It makes it more daunting. The log also wobbles in the water like it would in real life, making the motion and events of this scene more life like. 
As well as the animation I think that the backgrounds for this scene and for the film in general have been painted really well in terms of composition, lighting and painting. The colours used in each background reflect the mood of each scene, such as in the above scene the rocks are dark in comparison to the water which makes it stand out more and draws the focus into this. 


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