Layout and Finished Background for Pre Production Project, Wanted...

The above two images show the layout and finished background for a piece of concept art for Pre Production project Wanted. The bottom image shows the layout for this background in which the darker line art was created by the Director of this project and the lighter line art was completed by me. I think the layout and background works really well and fits with the setting of Wanted and looks like a forest you may find featured in films of the Wild West as well as the real life environment. 

In terms of the fully coloured and finished background I think all of the colours work really well together and blend together, I particularly like the reflective colours on the water in this. 
In terms of what I think could be better in this background is the trees in the distance. I had trouble deciding on the colours for these and when trying to make them look right and go with the rest of the background. I was unsure on which colours would work best in order to make them fade out with atmospheric perspective. Overall though I am really pleased with the outcome of this background and think it works really well with the style of the project. 


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