Layout and finished background for shot 16 of the Diversity Live Brief Project 'Sticks and Stones'....

The above images show the layout for the background of shot 16, shown in the first image and the fully coloured and painted background in the second image. I created the layout and the finished background using Adobe Photoshop and a Wacom graphics tablet. 
I used the same method when creating this background as I had with the previous backgrounds and layouts I created for Sticks and Stones. Making sure that the line work and the style of the layout matched all of the previous layouts and making sure to check with the director in order to make sure that the layout looked as it should. 
After getting the layout checked over and approved I then proceeded with colouring the layout using the same brush as I used for the line art but at a bigger pixel size. 
When creating this background I found it hard initially to imagine what the final background might look when finished in terms of composition. I was worried about making all of the buildings looking as if they were from a large town/ city. However I think that the final result does represent buildings that you would find in this particular environment of a city street. I made sure to include other buildings in the background to give the shot a sense of depth and perspective. 
I am pleased with the aesthetics of this background for shot 16, the last shot of the animation. I think that all of the colours I used on each of the buildings work well together and compliment each other well. As well as this the line art flows really well and the style in general is consistent throughout the background and matches the overall style of the film. 


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