Concept Art for Diversity, Devon and Cornwall Police Live Brief...

The above images show the different pieces of concept art I created for the Diversity Live Brief project. I made these images using the reference images our director had gathered. 
The first piece shows a concept for the character looking vulnerable and scared and being curled up in a ball in pain from all of the verbal abuse. I used an image from some live action reference we filmed. In which I was the actor. For the style I tried to make the image look experimental with an illustrators style. The team really liked this style though in terms of improvement I think I should have pushed the lighting further to make it more dramatic and to further emphasise the characters stance and body language. 
The second image shows a concept of how the crowd which follows the main character in the film may look. For this I used a watercolour brush and created this concept using Adobe Photoshop, as with all the concepts shown above. I used brown/ tan shades for the background lighting and washed out shades of black for the crowed, which in this scene would surround the girl and morph into wolves. The problem with this is that the steps too close to one of the reference images but we used this a another reference to help develop the look of the characters in the film. 
The third image is an early piece of concept art I created when we were developing our idea. I created this using influences from our references for what the style might look like. I used a mix or watercolour and pen brushes to experiment with the style of the background and used this combination to play around with lighting and what mood this could set and how this could be used to reflect the characters emotions and feelings. I'm not too keen on this concept cause I feel that it is very messy with the line work and it is too undefined. 
The last image shows my concept work for what the scene with the crows could look like, minus the character as we hadn't figured out what they looked like at this stage of production. I used a combination of a watercolour brush and the pen brush for the line work. I really like the look of this concept art though there's the issue of the crows being transparent so you can see the line work of the clouds behind them. As well as this in the scene there would be more crows than what I have placed in this concept. It is more of an experiment of style than a finished concept for the aesthetics of the film. 


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