Concept Art for Dance of Life, Pre Production Project...

The above images show the pieces of concept art that I have created so far for Ting Loh's Pre Production project Dance of Life. These concept designs are more dramatic poses of what could occur/ feature in the film and what the line work of the characters could look like. Ting wanted the line work to be minimal and suggestive of a person/ figure when first discussing what the character might look like. I then played about with this in the form of dramatic poses. 
As well as this with these designs I experimented with the backgrounds, I kept these minimal as this is what Ting wanted so I played around with different colours using Jules Olitski as my main artist reference for this. I thought they may be a good background artist to reference and for the influence as their work is abstract and minimalistic whistle containing various colour. I used water colour splatter Photoshop brushes for the backgrounds and used a combination of colours to blend together and achieve a similar style to Olitski. When doing this I also used the lighter colours to highlight the dramatic pose of the character in order to make them stand out and to reflect their mood and the feeling of the pose, dance and movement in that particular scene. Ting had the idea of the colour changing throughout the film to reflect the characters emotions, hence with the monochrome background, to reflect a harder time in the characters life. 


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