Updated Versions of Layouts for Mouse House...

The above two images show my updated versions of the two layouts I have created so far for third year film Mouse House. I think that these layouts look far neater and tidier than my previous versions. as well as this the style looks far closer to the other layouts and the style chosen by the director and producer. Before the layouts were a bit too busy and compact, which would be far too distracting in a background. So took some of the lines out, especially the stalks which were far too bendy. As well as this, as shown in the second image, I changed the shape of the leaves on the ground and rounded the tips to match the style of the other backgrounds and layouts. 
I am happy with the final result of these layouts and was happy that the director and producer were pleased too. These layouts were fairly time consuming due to all of the lines which made my eyes go a bit funny so I had to take breaks whilst working on these. However I really enjoyed making these layouts as it's something I haven't done before and feel that doing this has helped to progress and push my digital drawing skills further. 


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