Updated Mouse House Concept Art...

The above images show the two pieces of concept art that I have created for third year film, Mouse House. The first image is my cleaner version, which I think could still do with some work on the tractor, showing what the end scene of the film will look like. The image below that is the unlcean version which I went into and tidied up all the line work, especially on the tractor, as previously explained. 
The bottom image shows the clean version of the first piece of concept art I created for Mouse House, which can be found on one of my previous posts. On the previous version of this the line work was very rough and didn't quite fit with the clean line style the Mouse House director had gone for. So I went back into the art work and cleaned up all the lines and painting on the Mouse. I think it now looks much better with a  professional finish and feel to it.  


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