Some Life Drawings from the first class this term...

The images above show a selection of my Life Drawing's from the first class of this term. Out of these charcoal drawings I'd say that the first and third are my best attempts. In both I feel that I have captured the models features well, accept for the facial features on the first drawing, these could be more defined. As well as this I think the weight of the position the model is standing in both of these drawings is correct although the body could again be further defined with more detail. 
In terms of the other drawings, I am unhappy with these as they are out of proportion, although the angles of the arms, legs and body look correct. The fourth especially is a bit long in the body which throws the proportions out in this sketch. In the last drawing the arms and legs don't look quite right in my opinion. 
However saying all of this I have noticed an improvement with my Life Drawings since first year. 


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