Layout for Wheat Field, Head Shot..

The above image shows my second layout design I created for Third Year Film, Mouse House. This shot is in scene two and is a close up of the mouse holding a pitchfork and wearing a helmet with body armor ready to attack and burst the tractor's tyre's. For which the background is a close up of the wheat field behind the mouse. I think that I have executed this layout professionally and making the line work as clean and as neat as possible whilst making sure to keep with the desired design style for the film. 

I found this layout easier to design and create due to the previous layout of the wheat field I had designed. However, when drawing this layout on Photoshop I had to take regular breaks as focusing on all of the lines became tiring after a while and started to hurt my eyes. 

In terms of where to take this further I hope to design and work on more complex layouts for Mouse House to help push my development with them. Especially as I tend to struggle with perspective, so I hope that by producing more different types of layouts I will get better with this. 


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