Rough Ballet Pose Digital Painting...

The above image shows my interpretation of the ink painting on the right which I found on Pinterest whilst searching for inspiration and research of art styles for my third year Film idea. I copied the pose of the ballerina on the right but used different colours and a different style of brush for this interpretation. I experimented with how a splatter paint effect brush would look on this drawing/ painting. I will use this experiment to help with my research and development for the art style of my third year film idea. One thing which I noticed after completing this test is that the leotard looks as if it doesn't fit the dancer so in this sense I have not used shading or lighting as well as shadow for the arm pit. The colour used for the shadows should be much darker or even black to emphasize the space around the ballerina. There should be more positive and negative space in my interpretation to give it a further sense of depth and shape. 


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