ShelterBox, pop up book cover design and experiments...

For the live brief project my group and I decided to work on the ShelterBox brief, to create a short animation of approximately 90 seconds aimed at children aged 7-11. After doing research we came up with the idea to make the animation in the form of a pop up book using stop motion animation as it appears to be more realistic and interactive.  My first task was to design and experiment with how the book over should look. The first image shows my cover design for which I used Photoshop to create. We wanted it to look like a fairytale style 
book so before designing the book cover I made a moodboard with images of different fairytale book covers to get an idea. The further images below show my cover prototype experiments with materials and paint to get an idea of how the cover will look. I used mounting board for the base of the cover and then with one prototype I used green acrylic paint with gold acrylic for the tree and leaves. I'm not keen on the look of this prototype as the green acrylic doesn't look aesthetically pleasing and the finish on the paint isn't great. However my second prototype turned out a lot better, I covered the mounting board in tissue paper and then used the gold acrylic to make a boarder and to paint the tree design. I think this is much better as the texture of the tissue paper gives it a more life like feel and imitates fabric. I think this works better with the gold paint as well. On the first prototype the paint doesn't have a great finish so isn't as aesthetically pleasing. 


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