A Level house model...

The above images show the final product. For this graphics project I had to choose an existing building and produce a scale model of using the floor plan and existing images of the building. I used various materials to create the model such as mounting board, acetate, straws for the guttering, balsa wood, MDF, paper, artificial grass and sand combined with paint to create a gravel texture. 
I found the house advertised on a local estate agents website and was drawn to the house due to the timber cladding and the pitched roof. I thought the shape of the house would be a challenge to model due to the extension and the first floor windows which can be seen in each of the images, I found these hard to model as it was difficult to cut the mounting board so small and to create gaps for the windows. 
I think that if I was to make this model again I would make the surrounding space around the house more interesting such as adding foliage to give the house some character and make it look more lived in. 
 Looking back at this model I am quite proud of it, it was made two years ago now and I am still happy with the finished result although there are areas which could be improved upon. I enjoy model making and feel like set construction and model making would be up my street in terms of the stop motion industry.


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