Building designs and models from my A level course Graphics Products... Cinema Redesign...

The above images show the final model of the local theatre and cinema which I redesinged for my A2 graphics project. The project brief was to redesign a building of our choice and produce a model of what the final building would look like. The cinema has a personal connection to me as I used to perform at the theatre with my dance school. The image shows what the theatre looks like now and my model shows my final design for the theatre which would be much bigger and more spacious for the performers and audience as well as being renewable and self sustainable with the feature of solar panels and the windmill acting as a wind turbine. I also included large windows on the main roof to all as much natural light into the building as possible. My model was made out of mounting board, balsa wood, MDF, paper and acetate. As well as fake grass, sand to create a gravel like texture for the pavement. I wanted to include this model on my animation blog as I think that it shows my model making skills which can be useful when making a design stop motion sets.


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