Coin Pendulum 1 and 2...

For my first stop- motion practice/ assignment I animated a moving coin on two different pendulums, one which simulated the swing of a grandfather clock and another of a swinging ball, mechanical and non- mechanical. With the non- mechanical, I made the mistake in not keeping the shots inside the grid on dragon frame, due to this I will repeat this exercise again to get a better quality shot of the movement of the coin in the pendulum. However with the swing on this pendulum, the speed is generally consistent, I think that to make he movement look more life-like the coin should slow down at each end before coming back into the center. The mechanical on the other hand, the whole shot is in the animation. The movement of the coin flows much better and slows down at each end more effectively. Although to improve on this the coin could stop/ hold its position at each end for another shot or so to further emphasize the motion and the pendulum movement of a grandfather clock in order to make the motion more realistic.


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